Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The finished product – ready for the weekend:

Well we did say that we would report back on the results of our Christening cake efforts – so here we go ………

The morning arrived, the madeira cake which had been baked last week as you know had been taken out of the freezer last night so it was nicely defrosted. The butter for the butter cream filling was nicely at room temperature, the toppers and side plaques were all made and set for application so we set forth ……

Progress photo 1

Cakes nicely filled with strawberry jam and vanilla butter cream and covered with sugar paste.  I’ve not really done this style before (ie one cake sitting on the other) but was reliably informed that plastic dowels were required to fortify.  Cut to the appropriate length they were put into the bottom cake (not sure I am used to cake decorating with a junior hacksaw as a tool) and the top tier was tentatively lowered into place.  No sinking occurred so I assume that all is well!

Progress photo 2

Rather than traditional ribbon and piped edges we had opted for twisted rope edging, incorporating the two colours of the design.  Far harder than it first appeared –

oh dear, several attempts later ………

Progress photo 3

Finally success with the rope allowed us to get to this stage

Finished product

With toppers applied and the children’s name plaques suitable fixed to the sides of the top tier we were finished.

Let us know what you think……?

We are keeping our fingers crossed that sugar paste bears and balloons travel well!

We are really looking forward to the weekend – despite the fact that my brother has now decided that it would be a good idea
if I made a speech …………….